Tim Jarvis, President and Co-Founder


Before co-founding Scorpius, Tim Jarvis competed nationally in speech and debate in high school. He then graduated at 17. Afterwards, he worked several jobs before accepting the position of campaign manager for a political campaign which won by the second highest margin in Illinois for that election. He then started working in a newly formed department at a Fortune 50 company. He was promoted 6 times in a 16 month time-frame until he ran the department he was in. As a manager, Tim consistently exceeded company output goals. This was possible because of how Tim made use of technology within his department. Among Tim’s other accomplishments are:

  1. Creating over 50 value adding and problem solving reports
  2. Creating more than 25 automated workflows in just one year
  3. Working with IT to address security flaws he found in his employer’s environment
  4. Working with IT to implement solutions for operational challenges for his department
