Top 5 ways generative AI, like ChatGPT, will change the world

Generative AI is a type of AI which is used to produce new and original content by training machine-learning models on existing data similar to the data they will be used to generate. Over the past few years, the field of generative AI has been growing quickly.

With the release of OpenAI’s groundbreaking language-model ChatGPT late last year, it’s clear to observers that generative AI is poised to change the world. While no one knows the exact ways generative AI will change the world for certain, we’ve added 5 predictions below that we think are very likely to happen.

1.)    Cyberthreats: Unfortunately, the advent of new technology in today’s world often leads to new cyberthreats emerging. Since virtually all cyberattacks start with either phishing or social engineering of some kind, hackers are all but certain to use generative AI to improve their tactics. Many hackers do not exactly have a good sense of grammar or the ability to write convincing phishing emails. Hackers could easily use language models, and even audio creation models, to increase the believability of their tactics. This is likely to lead to an increase in the number of successful cyberattacks.

2.)    Marketing: Since generative AI can often make coherent, human-like, and good quality content, we are likely to see a steep rise in the amount of fully or partially AI generated content for the purpose of marketing. Google currently forbids the use of AI generated content and penalizes content that they discover to be AI generated. However, as generative AI becomes more customizable and better over time, this content will become nearly impossible to detect. Additionally, generative AI is already being used to help content creators come up with ideas for content, rephrase and restructure content, write outlines, and much more.

3.)    Entertainment and art: With audio generating AI like Microsoft’s VALL-E, content creators could simply type what they want to say and have an AI read it in their voice. This could easily change the way content is created and edited. Image generating AI, like OpenAI’s DALL-E, is already being used to create art that is good enough to win art contests. An AI that can create 3d models which could be used in movies and games has already been released.

4.)    Programming: Code generating AI, such as OpenAI’s Codex, can create code based on the input of a human. In other words, you could ask Codex to write you python code to make a program by explaining step by step what the program should do, and it will respond with code. Code generating AI still requires someone with programming knowledge to review, test, and if necessary, edit the code. However, as these AI get better over time, the amount of time programmers need to spend modifying that code will decrease and the role AI play in creating new programs will increase.

5.)    Pharmaceutical research: Generative AI could be used to create new pharmaceutical drug molecules based on existing drug molecules and other medical data. These potential treatments would still require humans to assess, test, and distribute them, but automating the initial finding of new drug molecules will likely be a game changer for the pharmaceutical industry.

Overall, the ways generative AI has already changed the world are numerous, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way we live our lives.

To learn more about what generative AI and automation can do for you, contact us today to setup a free discovery session.

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